So as I was reading through older posts of blogs I follow I found this post on See me Everywhere - one of the most beautiful blogs I've seen in a while. And apparently it's one of those posts where you fill in the blanks. I've kinda refused to do a post like that. I don't know, it just never crossed my mind that someone would be interested in my blah blah answers. But after a while I figured it might be fun to try it out (I added and removed some of the original "questions"). I've always loved filling out a form or writing into friendship books. you go :)
// Loving.
As always: philosophizing about love,
learning and experiencing new aspects of life. Also I've been drawing
and painting a lot lately. I've rediscovered oil pastels and
// Thinking.
About how I'm going to organize and
spend my next semester. There are so many things I'd like to actually
do. Like launching an Art Club. Volunteering at a shelter for
battered women or a refugee center. Taking some classes in political
science. Babysitting.
// Reading.
...currently nothing since I just got
finished reading Gary Chapman's book Things I wish I'd know before we
got married. What I'd like to read next would be any book by Woody
Allen. I would love to read one of his screen-plays. Any suggestions?
// Watching.
New Girl *guilty* I'm hooked. Although
I hate the fact that nowadays there does not exist any comedic series
without a sexist complete douchebag (Sorry I'm such a party pooper it drives me nut).
// Listening.
Instrumental music and Boy (I've
already blogged about those in my sunday series Honest music that
touches heart and soul here and here)...oh and Hans Theesink, a man
playing and feeling the blues and Son of the velvet rat. I can't stop
listening to those four. If you're to run into me accidently you'd
probabely have to deal with me singing and dancing while listening to
this music on my ipod.
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